Cooperative AEI with ASEBIO 2022-2023
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Digital Platform for the management of clinically analyzed data using Artificial Intelligence/Big Data for early detection of Cancer”. Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Tourism: Program for supporting Innovative Business Associations (AEI). V File Number: AEI-010500-2022b-318Project co-financed with funds from the European Union’s Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Mechanism.Project led by ASEBIO, with the participation of AMADIX, IOMED, and NORAYBIO as business partners.The overall objective of the project is to develop an efficient data capture process and transform it into structured and standardized information for all stakeholders involved in clinical studies. This will be achieved through a modular computer platform that not only manages patient samples from clinical trials but also handles all the information generated by different participants. The platform will enable proper data exploitation, taking into account the complexity, volume, and confidential nature of the data generated in clinical trials.Specifically, the project will focus on using patient data related to pancreatic cancer and precancerous lesions. The ultimate goal is to identify risk factors associated with the occurrence of both pancreatic cancer and precancerous lesions.

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