Data Space Enablement

Partnering with Data Holders to enable and maintain a Health Data Space for a 360º overview of the patients data in your site.

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Ensuring Data Holders are prepared

IOMED DSP prepares the hospital to facilitate the secondary use of data by implementing robust data processing capabilities and infrastructure, enhancing the hospital’s capacity to participate in multicentric research projects, drive insights, improve operational efficiencies, and support clinical decision-making.

Technical Readiness: Data Structuring & Normalization

· Data activation from all hospital sources
· Normalization to the OMOP Common Data Model

AI Readiness: Expansion of the Data Space

· Automated Terminology Mapping (ATM) of structured data from standard or internal coding
· Natural Language Processing (NLP)  for extracting and normalizing unstructured data from medical records

Mediation Readiness

· Hospital Approval Process workflow
· Engagement with industry stakeholders
· Participation in multicentric research projects
· Contract Management

Compliance Readiness

· Master Services Agreement (MSA) for deployment and agreed use of data. 
· Data Pseudonymization for data holders
· Data Anonymization for data users

Get prepared.
Become part of the European Health Data Space.


For Data Holders

Participation in Multicentric Research Projects

Being part of a federated network allows hospitals to join multicentric research projects, which can enhance their research profile and lead to more collaborative opportunities. This increases the hospital's visibility and credibility in the scientific community, attracting more research funding and partnerships​.

Engagement with Industry Stakeholders

By being prepared to handle data in a federated network, hospitals can engage more effectively with pharmaceutical, CRO,or biotech organizations, and other industry stakeholders. This leads to increased investment in projects for research, commercialization and policy-making.

Effective Data Governance and controlled Data Access

The IOMED Data Space Platform facilitates effective governance by providing seamless and secure access to data, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and enabling precise control over data distribution and utilization.

Better Patient Care

Real-World Data can be analyzed to identify trends and patterns in patient care, leading to optimized care pathways. This can result in reduced hospital stays, lower readmission rates, and overall better patient health outcomes​.

Operational Efficiency and Cost Savings

Effective data management can streamline administrative processes, reduce duplication of tests and procedures, and enhance resource allocation. These efficiencies can significantly lower operational costs while maintaining or improving the quality of care provided​.

Align with European Health Data Space (EHDS) framework

This framework facilitates EU countries to prepare and respond to health crises, have available, affordable, innovative and adequate medical supplies, and work together to improve prevention, treatment and aftercare for diseases.

Certifications & Recognitions
Peer-reviewed scientific journals publications

Patient-Level Data Export from OMOP Database Using ATLAS Cohort Definitions

The utilization of this export process has been successful with cohorts exceeding 15000 patients, integrating data from over 10 distinct sources. This implementation facilitated validation within a targeted cohort and enabled the successful dissemination of patient-level results to stakeholders, while ensuring compliance with privacy and integrity requirements.

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Integrating NLP-derived results in the OMOP CDM

Integration of NLP-derived results into the OMOP CDM led to significant enhancements in data richness. Firstly, we identified 224% more patients across four different hospitals in Spain who met the inclusion criteria thanks to NLP-derived data. Moreover, the dataset incorporating NLP demonstrated a substantial increment in the proportion of records across different OMOP domains compared to the dataset without NLP. The structured inclusion of NLP-derived results facilitated more comprehensive analyses, enabling deeper insights into treatment patterns and patient outcomes.

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NATI (NATural language in ThyroId cancer)

A total of 5137 medical records of patients diagnosed with thyroid cancer between 2015 and 2022 were included. The median follow-up (interquartile range) was 29.7 months (8.8-55.8). The mean age at the time of diagnosis was 55 years (SD 18), and 67% were women. The stage could be classified in a subgroup of 520 patients, of which 60% (n=313) had advanced stages. Metastasis was observed in 2177 patients (42%) during the follow-up, mainly in lymph nodes (44%). It was also identified that the majority of patients (71%; n=3629) had some comorbidity.

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An open source corpus and automatic tool for section identification in Spanish health records

This work shows that it is possible to build competitive automatic systems when both data and the right evaluation metrics are available. The annotated data, the implemented evaluation scripts, and the section identification Language Model are open-sourced hoping that this contribution will foster the building of more and better systems.

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The DERMACLEAR study: Verification results of a natural language processing system in dermatology

Results from the DERMACLEAR study will increase the real-world evidence of clinical practice, obtaining a large amount of information on patients with the studied diseases. The NLP system used is precise in identifying patients diagnosed with HS, PsO, CU and/or AD, and other medical variables from EHRs, highlighting that it is a valid system to use in the DERMACLEAR study.

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Efficient automated mapping of internal source codes to OMOP CDM concepts

Our automated concept mapping system provides an efficient way of mapping source codes to OMOP concepts. By utilizing text-based vector representations and knowledge transfer, our system can find equivalent mappings from other hospitals, thereby reducing the time and effort required for manual mapping.

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A Framework for False Negative Detection in NER/NEL

Finding the false negatives of a NER/NEL system is fundamental to improve it, and is usually done by manual annotation of texts. However, in an environment with a huge volume of unannotated texts (e.g. a hospital) and a low frequency of positives (e.g. a mention of a particular disease in the clinical notes) the task becomes very inefficient.

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Extending the OMOP CDM to store the output of natural language processing pipelines

Although OMOP CDM provides a NOTE_NLP table to store the outputs of NLP algorithms, queries to this table can become clumsy and slow, so we designed and extended the OMOP CDM with our own NLP schema to store the results generated in the annotation process of NLP. We designed an extension of the OMOP CDM able to store the output of NLP solutions while integrating with the vocabulary normalization process of the OMOP CDM.

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ContextMEL: Classifying Contextual Modifiers in Clinical Text

Taking advantage of electronic health records in clinical research requires the development of natural language processing tools to extract data from unstructured text in dif ferent languages. A key task is the detection of contextual modifiers, such as understanding whether a concept is negated or if it belongs to the past. We present ContextMEL, a method to build classifiers for contextual modifiers that is independent of the specific task and the language, allowing for a fast model development cycle.

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